

Membership-based Associations now operate in an environment vastly different from the one in which they originated. Members’ values have evolved, their circumstances have grown more uncertain, and their choices have expanded significantly. The strength of an Association hinges on its relationship with its members, its ability to address their priorities, and its success in uniting them into a tightly-knit community.

Key Challenges

Adapting to Changing Membership Expectations

Members questioning the value of membership and annual dues?

Education and exclusivity are no longer core components driving retention. What more can you offer your existing and potential members?

Associations need stronger brands and messaging that define the key benefits of membership and the greater impact members will serve by being part of this unique community. Phil can help you take a deeper look at how you want to serve your community and stand out among the competition.

Enhancing Member Engagement

What matters to members and how they wish to interact with their Association is shifting.

Your organization needs to better understand its membership base in order to focus on the issues that count.

From offering more personalized services to creating a stronger sense of community, Phil can help you define and segment your member lists to improve your relationship with them, putting the best of today’s technology to good use.

Diversifying for financial stability

Are you looking for ways to enhance your financial stability?

By developing an actionable plan for sustainable and diverse revenue streams beyond membership fees, Associations are less at the mercy of the whims of economic fluctuations and shifting membership trends.

This approach empowers them to have greater control over their mission and the means by which they achieve it. Diversifying income sources can include grants, sponsorships, partnerships, fundraising events, and even investment income, all contributing to a more robust financial foundation and allowing the organization to better serve its members and community.


I loved Kim’s openness and receptiveness to adapting the training content to our reality. Moreover, our members greatly enjoyed the two conferences. Kim even did us a favor by staying longer than planned at our conference (to answer our members’ questions about the P2P project).


I loved Kim’s openness and receptiveness to adapting the training content to our reality. Moreover, our members greatly enjoyed the two conferences. Kim even did us a favor by staying longer than planned at our conference (to answer our members’ questions about the P2P project).


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