We invite all Executive Directors and CEOs in the not-for-profit sector to say yes to connection, support, and community. We’re excited to...
READ MORESay thank-you: How not to disappoint your corporate donors
Jun 27, 2023 | B Corp, News, Nonprofit, Philanthropic Management, Planned giving, Workshops / Learning
How not to disappoint your corporate donors Something is better than nothing when it comes to building relationships with any donor, but that...
READ MORE5 Necessities to Include in Nonprofit Donation Forms
Nov 23, 2021 | Articles, Data Management, Philanthropic Management, Websites
Guest blogger, Jacob Spencer, Customer Success and Account Manager at Donately, dives into the structure of donation forms, a crucial...
READ MOREActive Philanthropy Requires Advocacy
Mar 10, 2021 | Fundraising, News, Non-profit planning, Philanthropic Management
Last week, during a team Zoom “5 à 7”, fresh from a lunchtime primer on the heavy concepts of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and...
READ MOREWebsites are the cornerstone of communications
Jan 8, 2021 | Articles, Fundraising, Non-profit marketing, Non-profit planning, Non-profit technology, Our clients in the media, Our work, Philanthropic Management, Resources, Websites
“Omnes viae Romam ducunt!” The famous expression “All roads lead to Rome” means that all paths or activities lead to the center of things. This...
READ MORECollaboration with no bitter aftertaste
Nov 10, 2020 | Fundraising, Non-profit marketing, Non-profit technology, Philanthropic Management
“One is the loneliest number” – song by Harry Nilsson One really is the loneliest number. Why is it that we insist at going at...