Phil Communications and Imagine Canada are pleased to invite you to the Narrative Summer School – Four Webinars (offered in French) designed to initiate meaningful and inspiring conversations with you and your colleagues.
During the webinars, Phil will provide insights into what builds strong organizational messaging and offer tips as to how to successfully deliver a compelling message.
Time is often a challenge, and for this reason, we have decided to host a series of four 45 minute sessions:
July 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd 2014
10:00-10:45 a.m.
Cost: $30 per webinar.
Enjoy a 20% discount when you register for all four webinars.
Please join us for this series of four webinars designed to help you improve your communications by enhancing your understanding of Imagine Canada’s Narrative tools, teaching you how to use them, and highlighting what they can do for your organization.
The outcome: better understand the Narrative framework, then personalize the tools – including elevator speeches, fact sheets and impact stories – based on your organization’s needs.
Register for this event now!