
20 years already?

Twenty years have flown by in the blink of an eye! Where did the time go?

…It went towards helping hundreds of charities, foundations and socially-missioned businesses do more good in the world – that’s where it went. We could not be more proud.

Over the years we’ve helped countless organizations with marketing and branding projects. This year, in light of our 20th anniversary, we decided to take a page out of our own book and do a strategic planning session over the summer that led to the rebranding of Phil this fall.

I’m very excited to unveil our new website and logo.

Did you notice something is missing? Our company is now officially called Phil. Just Phil, no more “Phil Communications”.


Why no more communications?

It’s part of our evolution. Our service offering has diversified with our client base. Alongside communications, our company offers innovative fundraising strategies, campaigns and training; governance support; strategic planning and a wide variety of other services. By removing the word communications from our name, we are opening up and removing limits on how we can best serve our clients.

Our client base has also evolved. In 1999, not-for-profits and NGOs were the driving force of social change. Today, social entrepreneurs and other B Corporations like ours are using business as a force for good. While we will continue to serve the charitable sector, we are also widening our reach to work with others who put people and planet before profit.

Over the summer we began exploring our relationship to the world’s to-do list – the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We’ve identified five goals that we can influence through our business and five goals we can impact through our clients’ work. Through both our direct actions, as well as through projects realized with our clients and partners, we are committed to advancing these ten goals.

The strategic planning work we did as a team over the last 6 months has given me a renewed sense of purpose to my work. We have so many exciting projects and partnerships underway, stay tuned for future newsletters to find out what we’re up to. You can also visit our blog and follow us on social media under the new handle @phil4good on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.

Thank you to everyone who has made this dream a reality. There is no greater satisfaction than being able to love what I do and do what I love, and make the world a better place.

Looking forward to the next twenty years!
